A coalition of BC environmental groups are pushing the Marine Stewardship Council to drop the “sustainable” claim from southeast Alaskan salmon fisheries.
Research has shown since the 1990s that most salmon caught around the Alaskan panhandle are not from Alaska, but from BC or the US Pacific states.
The Raincoast Conservation Foundation, one of the groups involved, says while Skeena, Nass and Fraser River sockeye fisheries have struggled in recent years, Alaskan catches of those same stocks have been at near-record highs. BC Chinook interceptions also results in a loss of food for endangered killer whales, they add.
Raincoast says more than 40% of Fraser River sockeye are caught by southeast Alaskan fisheries.
The coalition is in Seattle this week for hearings, after filing a challenge against the MSC, which certifies fisheries around the world so they can display sustainability labels in grocery stores.