PORT MCNEILL, B.C- A bomb threat caused at a Port McNeill school today.
According to a message released to parents of students at Sunset Elementary, a bomb threat was found by a staff member at the school this afternoon.
“The police were informed and the school was evacuated for the remaining 1/2 hour of the day on RCMP advice,” wrote principal Kelly Amodeo.
“The students remained in the school yard until the bell rang and they were dismissed from there. Due to the swiftness of the evacuation, students left the building without backpacks.”
The school will be open as usual tomorrow, and a letter will be going home with students for their parents.
“I want to let you know that all of our students showed Sunset courage during this incident and individual classes will be debriefing tomorrow,” wrote Amodeo.
The MyTriPortNow.com newsroom will be reaching out to the RCMP and the school district for more comment tomorrow.