PORT MCNEILL B.C- On April 27th, the schedule will be adjusted on the Port McNeill to Alert Bay route to allow the vessel crew additional time for training and drills.
The required training will take place in Alert Bay on Saturday April 27th.
The 3:15 p.m sailing from Alert Bay will be delayed by one hour until 4:15 p.m.
The schedule for the remainder of the day will operate 1 hour behind the regularly scheduled departure time.
The adjusted schedule will be as follows:
Alert Bay to Port McNeill
– The 5:55 p.m ferry departing Alert Bay will leave at 6:55 p.m.
– The 8:25 p.m ferry departing Alert Bay will leave at 9:25 p.m.
Every effort will be made to minimize the impact and delay of the drills and training on vessel operations.
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