If you plan to take a ferry in the future, you should also pack a facemask starting next week.
BC Ferries says anyone travelling on routes longer than 30 minutes will be required to have a facemask on hand that covers both their mouth and nose.
At any time passengers could be asked to wear the mask in situations when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
The new directive will apply to all passengers over the age of two, including those travelling in a vehicle.
Before boarding, BC Ferries says passengers will be asked they have a face covering and are willing to wear it when necessary. If you answer ‘no’, or fail to answer, you will be refused travel. The company says you must also bring your own face mask.
The Public Health Agency of Canada identifies that a face covering should fit securely to the
head with ties or ear loops, be made of at least two layers of tightly-woven material fabric (such as cotton or linen) and be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping.
BC Ferries says it will also continue screening all customers for COVID-19 symptoms and restrict travel to any customer that does not meet the screening requirements, as per the federal guidelines.