For the first time, the public libraries’ BC Summer Reading Club (BC SRC) is being offered virtually to young readers and their families.
The new change comes thanks to a $65,000 investment from the provincial government.
The BC SRC is a literacy program offered through B.C.’s 71 public libraries to children ages 5-14. The program lets kids read whatever they want, including storybooks, information books, graphic novels and comics, in whatever language they feel most comfortable reading in.
It’s usually offered in person but this year, as work continues to flatten the curve of COVID-19, readers will be able to follow their passion for reading and participate by registering and tracking their progress online.
“Fun and engaging programs like the BC Summer Reading Club that help our kids strengthen their literacy skills and stay motivated to keep reading over the summer are even more important this year,” said Rob Fleming, Minister of Education.
“I’m so pleased this incredibly popular program will continue this summer with expanded online features thanks to the great work done by library staff and the BC Library Association.”
Online registration for BC SRC will open tomorrow and children and families can access the new website until the end of September.
Families are asked to contact their local library to find out about their local programs as branches throughout B.C. have been impacted differently by COVID-19.
Kids and parents can watch a video about this year’s theme and sign up for Summer Reading Club here.