The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) will be building and operating a place for patients and their loved ones to stay while travelling to Campbell River for specialized medical care.
The Just Like Home Lodge will be next to the Campbell River Hospital and will have 10 bedrooms.
The lodge will also include a shared kitchen, communal living space, laundry facilities and private washrooms.
“The SRD board is committed to a goal that high-quality health and social care is available regionally,” said SRD board chair Brad Unger in a news release.
“Over the years, we have all known people that would have benefited from such a place, and we are so pleased to offer our community members this option. Whether patients need accommodation for services scheduled early in the morning, discharged from hospital in the late evening, or need to stay for multiple days, the Just Like Home Lodge will provide a safe, healthy environment. “
The expected capital cost of the project is $2 million, and fundraising has begun with the help of the Campbell River Hospital Foundation.
“Island Health’s board of directors is very supportive of its partnership with the SRD and Campbell River Hospital Foundation to provide affordable accommodations for adult patients having to travel outside of their communities to receive care at Campbell River Hospital,” said Leah Hollins, Island Health’s board chair.
“We are grateful to our partners for spearheading this project which will tremendously help our North Island clients and their families.”
The SRD says nominal fees will be charged to those utilizing the lodge.
People can donate to support the lodge at