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HomeNewsIsland & CoastWomen’s Healthcare Leadership Summit coming to Victoria this week

Women’s Healthcare Leadership Summit coming to Victoria this week

The Support Network for Indigenous Women and Women of Colour (SNIWWOC) is hosting a summit this week. 

The Women’s Healthcare Leadership Summit focuses on addressing systemic inequities within the healthcare sector, while amplifying voices and leadership of women from undeserved communities. 

Adriane Gear, President of the BC Nurses’ Union, Patience Magagula, Executive Director of Afro-Canadian Positive Network of BC, Rachel Nolte-Laird Director of the Indigenous Specific Anti-Racism & Equity, Diversion and Inclusion at Doctors of BC, and Brennan MacDonald, Vice President of Regional Operations for the First Nations Health Authority are listed as guest speakers. 

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Statistics Canada reported women in care occupations reported lower average employment incomes than men, with 75 per cent of Canada’s paid care workers being women. 

Many of those women felt they were overworked, unseen, and underappreciated, making SNIWWOC wanting to host this summit to address the systemic disparities. 

The event runs Friday, March 7, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Esquimalt Gorge Pavillion and women from all backgrounds are welcome to attend. 

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