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HomeNewsTri-PortWind farm proposed near Telegraph Cove could generate 200 MW

Wind farm proposed near Telegraph Cove could generate 200 MW

A third wind farm is in the planning stages for the North Island, this time near Telegraph Cove.

Boralex, a Quebec-based company, applied last year to investigate the wind power potential on a ridge near Sayward. Now, they are applying for another investigative licence to install towers on the North Island to collect wind data.

The company’s application calls it the Paintbrush Wind Project, and believes it could generate more than 200 megawatts of electricity.

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The proposed location is between Nimpkish Lake and Bonanza River, and is close to an existing electricity transmission line.

Another wind farm project near Campbell River was recently selected along with nine others in BC to be fast-tracked by the province, to help increase the energy supply by 8% by 2031.

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