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HomeNewsIsland & CoastIsland MLA remains committed to Conservative Party of BC following departures

Island MLA remains committed to Conservative Party of BC following departures

Recent defections from the BC Conservative Party party caused commotion in B.C. politics, but one Vancouver Island conservative MLA does not plan to join them.

Brennan Day represents the Courtenay-Comox riding and said he stands with John Rustad in his decision to remove Vancouver-Quilchena MLA Dallas Brodie from the party for comments about residential schools.

Day said the party remains unified and has worked together well as an opposition group so far.

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“It’s unfortunate to see them go but I think for the long-term health of the party this is probably the best move, and I obviously support John in that decision.”

Day said they were able to unanimously pass a private members bill in the house to advance to the committee stage and gave some credit to the NDP majority for listening to their concerns.

The decision to remove Brodie from the party was followed by MLA’s Jordan Kealy and Tara Armstrong supporting her by leaving the party to become independents.

The three said they would consider forming their own party if more members decided to leave, but Day doesn’t think anyone will follow.

“I don’t think it’s anything more than just a distraction if I’m honest so if they want to go do that and talk about issues that nobody else is paying attention to, that would be up to them, but ultimately that doesn’t make them look very good when they’re out of touch with British Columbians.”

The Conservatives now hold 41 seats in the Legislature following the departure of the now three Independent MLA’s.

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