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HomeNewsProvincial100 Highway Patrol officers wrote almost 17,000 distracted driving tickets in 2022

100 Highway Patrol officers wrote almost 17,000 distracted driving tickets in 2022

100 BC Highway Patrol officers were honoured at a recent ceremony for their work enforcing distracted driving laws.

Collectively those officers wrote 16,787 violation tickets for distracted driving in 2022. The top 10 officers wrote over 4,500, with Chilliwack’s Constable Troy Collins leading the way with 835 alone. All 100 officers also received a custom-made coin recognizing their efforts.

The department hopes that all motorists leave their electronic devices alone while driving.

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“BC Highway Patrol would like to remind all motorists to leave their electronic devices alone while driving to keep themselves, their loved ones, and others safe as we move through the fall and with children being back in school,” they said in a press release.

They say that distracted driving is a leading cause of fatal and serious injury motor vehicle collisions in the province and is completely preventable. According to ICBC, between 2017 and 2021 on average, distraction is a factor in 77 deaths each year on BC roadways.

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