As cougar sightings increase in Port Hardy, the District is offering tips for you to stay safe.
On their social media, the District says there have been recent reports of daytime sightings and unusual behaviours of cougars.
As a result, residents are encouraged to take extra steps to avoid a cougar encounter or conflict, with the District adding some tips for you to follow.
They recommend keeping pets indoors, especially at night, don’t feed pets outdoors, or wildlife, keep small children under close supervision while commuting on trails, playing in parks or near any wooded areas, and to be aware of your surroundings.
In the event you encounter a cougar, they ask you to stop and stay calm, not to run or turn away, maintain eye contact, yell, look big, and be assertive, and to back away slowly. Make sure to use bear spray and stick together if attacked.
If you do see a cougar in the daytime or catch some unusual behaviours, call the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277.